Blog category winter

Keep Your Body Warm in the Winter

Geschreven op Tuesday 16 December 2014 om 12:20 pm.

Inadequate supply of oxygen results in improper waste disposal from our body. The body functions are slowed down and the cells and tissues fail to regenerate themselves due to lack of sufficient energy. With learning how to breathe correctly, you can increase intake of oxygen up to 5 times! Keep your body warm in the winter!

Categoriën: winter

Fight The Winterblues

Geschreven op Monday 8 December 2014 om 12:26 pm.

Fighting winter blues with yoga

Winter is coming …you can feel it in the mornings ..the colors are gone ..the trees are losing their last leafs , the days get shorter and the nights get colder. You wake up and its dark outside ..and its difficult to fight the feeling of hiding under the blankets and be lazy all day.

A lot of people complain about lack of energy, muscle pain and tension and the lack of motivation. Luckily they are a lot of things what we can do to survive the winter period with a positive state of mind.

Categoriën: winter